About Khalil Tamashii

Khalil Tamashii is the one the best artist in high school. Kai Leonard is one of the greatest artist in high school. Him and I are brothers ( you DON’T wanna know ). I do gaming, sports ( like football ), anime, comic books, cooking, and building. Watch out! I have a very bad temper! >x(

Yeah. It sucks! (PAUSE)

I’m all about saving the lives around of every environment around me. You could say that I’m some kind hero or something. Or you could say that I’m just a man helping people. Or you may think that I don’t have talent. If you look at my website, then you are DEAD. WRONG! I DO have talent! The one’s that they think that I have talent, I would gladly consider you as a friend ( or maybe could give 20 or 50 bucks ). ( Just maybe.)

I LOVE anime SO much! My favorite animes are Attack On Titan, Dragon Ball Z, Fairy Tail, One Piece, Kill la Kill, Fullmetal Alchemist, Gurren Lagann, Akame Ga Kill, and Toriko.

I draw anime as well.

My animes that I REALLY want to make are Cody Kyle: Bylicoda Adventures, Deathcrow Mary| Havoc with Magic, AF: Annihilation| A Path to Order, The World Animal Secrets, Dream Guardians of Japan , Kurumochi Ninja, Erikotta: Mother Nature, Kongako: The Dokamashi Robot, and an anime movie Suruka Acchiomi-Gunn.

I also do some animations, too. It’s hard for me to figure out how am I going to put my animations on YouTube or show them to you guys on Facebook (That was a guess). 

Let me know in the comments below of how I’m going to put my animations and art anywhere. Don’t forget to check my YouTube channel, Khalil Tamashii Animation, and the rest of my social media down below:




My Discord Profile: Khalil Tamashii#1836

My Twitter Profile: @Khalil_Tamashii

My Instagram Profile: tamashii2 | Tamashii (Spirit)

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Disney’s Zootopia Animated Abridged Series

This is a new project that I want to create for EVERYONE to see. A parody that’s going to be in 2D animation, has BETTER lip sync, and my favorite and the FUNNIEST Disney movies (not really Disney) you’ll ever laugh at. It’s called Disney’s Zootopia Animated Abridged Series!!    Here are some of my pictures that I’ve drawn … Continue reading Disney’s Zootopia Animated Abridged Series

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